What is collagen?

Collagen is a naturally occurring complex protein which occurs in the human body. It’s composed of three chains each consisting of over 1,400 amino acids. 

As we age, the production of these abundant proteins begins to slow down, resulting in signs of aging.

What does it do?

Containing nineteen different amino acids, collagen gives skin strength and elasticity while also replacing dead skin cells. It’s the glue that holds everything together inside your body.

There are at least sixteen different types of collagen in the human body - the vast majority of which consist of types 1, 2 and 3.

Type 1 is considered to be the strongest type of collagen. It is made up of eosinophils fibers that form tendons, ligaments, organs, bones and skin. It also helps with wound healing, giving the skin the elastic quality needed to hold it together and keep it from tearing.

Type 2 is found in connective tissue and helps to build cartilage. It’s beneficial for preventing join pain and arthritis symptoms.

Type 3 is made up of reticular fibers that help to make up organs and skin. Together with Type 1, it helps give skin its elasticity and firmness.

Why do we need it?

  • Improves skin and hair health 
  • Reduces joint pain
  • Helps heal your gut
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Strengthens nails, hair and teeth
  • Improves liver health
  • Protects cardiovascular health

How do I get more of it?

Stay out of the sun.

Limit your exposure to prolong existing collagen levels.

Watch what you eat.

High sugar diets can also cause the depletion of collage levels.

Drink bone broth.

Bone broth is collagen rich and will help to replenish the body’s existing levels while also supporting improved gut health.

Incorporate daily supplements.

Take supplements to help hydrate skin and strengthen collagen. We recommend the Phytoceraminds Anti-Aging Collagen Supplement to fight signs of aging.

Increase your intake of Vitamin C.

This will help to support the formation and use of collagen in the body.